Data Protection

(As of June 2020)

RWE Gas Storage West on Data Protection


We would like to thank you for your interest in our company. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our privacy practices as described in this Policy. For this purpose, we have taken technical and organizational measures to ensure that the relevant laws are observed. Below you will find out what information we collect and how we handle it.

For the here presented website content is responsible RWE Gas Storage West GmbH.

RWE Gas Storage West GmbH
Hollestraße 7a
45127 Essen
(postal address RWE Platz 2 (for Hollestr.7a), 45141 Essen)
P +49(0)201- 5179 5752

E-Mail to RWE Gas Storage NWE GmbH


If you have any questions about data privacy at the RWE Group, please contact the data privacy officer at:

RWE Aktiengesellschaft
Data privacy officer
Altenessener Straße 35
45141 Essen

E-Mail to


Personal data

You decide whether or not you want to disclose your personal data to us, for example in the context of a registration, contact request or similar. We generally use your personal information to respond to your query, process your order, or provide you with access to specific information or offers.

Within your registration, contact, etc. you could provide your personal data on a voluntary basis. In this context it could be necessary to pass your data to another group company. A delivery to a third and RWE group external party will not be done except your request or the requested service/product require this delivery explicitly. This will be indicated to you at the appropriate place. If required, you could provide your personal data via applications which are connected to our website (e.g. contact forms or services, which require a User-Account). Conditions that differ from this data protection declaration may apply to the use of these applications. If that is the case, we will explicitly inform you with additional privacy clauses. The aforementioned data which are relevant to fulfil a contact with you as contact owner are processed pursuant to article 6 paragraph 1b GDPR. Pursuant to article 6 paragraph 1 a GDPR we collect the consent of people affected for the processing of personal data.


General information

As you visit our website or retrieve a file, information about this process is stored in a log file on our Web server. This information is not personally identifiable – apart from the IP address. We are therefore unable to trace which user accessed which data. This means that when a user accesses our website, data is automatically collected and stored that your browser transmits to us.

This includes:

  • the domain name of the website you came from
  • the pages you have visited on our website
  • names of the files retrieved
  • date and time of a retrieval
  • name of your Internet Service Provider
  • as well as operating system and browser version of your PC (if applicable)
  • Hostname of the accessing computer
  • language settings

This data is collected for security and statistical purposes and to optimise the quality of our website. These data are not allocated to specific persons and are not merged with other data sources. The data is stored for 6 months and then deleted. Your data is not disclosed to third parties. Merely through order of responsible national authorities we can be obligated in individual cases to publish personal data, if this should be necessary for averting danger, criminal prosecution or for other legally regulated reasons.


IP addresses

When using our websites, we deliberately refrain from logging IP addresses in plain text. Your IP address will be pseudonymised by us before it is stored in our web server log file in a data protection-compliant procedure. The pseudonymised IP addresses are used by us, for example, to recognise and counteract attacks or to compile web statistics.


Web analysis and web optimization through cookies and tracking pixels

We use cookies and tracking technologies on our websites. These serve the purpose of optimising our websites, improving services and marketing our products. The technologies used, and their functions are as follows.

When you visit one of our websites, we place information on your computer in the form of cookies, which we automatically recognise the next time you visit our site. Cookies are text files that are stored in the Internet browser on the user’s computer system. Whenever a user accesses a website, a cookie can be stored on the operating system of the user. That cookie contains a definitive series of characters which enables unique identification of that browser the next time it accesses the website.

The use of cookies helps us to offer you unrestricted use of our website. They allow us to make your visit to our site as convenient as possible. For instance, cookies enable us to adapt a website to your personal interests or store your user name to prevent you having to re-enter it every time you visit.

We also apply tracking pixels on our websites. Tracking pixels are small graphics on websites that enable log-in data to be recorded and analysed. When a user visits the website, these tracking pixels write information on the cookie file within the user’s browser. By using pixels, we are able to offer you targeted information and content.

On our websites, you have the option of viewing and editing our cookie and pixel settings. However, please be aware that some technically essential cookies and pixels have to be used in order to maintain the functionality of our websites.

For the deployment and use of cookies, we also use order processors pursuant to Art. 4 no. 8 of the GDPR. The processors may also receive access to your personal data that are captured and processes using cookies and pixels. You will find a detailed overview of these data here.

You will find an overview of the cookies and pixels used on our websites, the data processed in each case and the relevant recipients right here.

RWE Gas Storage West uses cookies and pixels of the following categories:

Essential cookies

Essential cookies serve to maintain the technically sound operation of our website. They ensure the stability of the website, support secure log-in, and save the current progress of your order, your log-in details and your shopping cart. You can see which essential cookies we use from our full List of Cookies and Pixels, available here.

The data collected about you in this way is anonymised by technical measures to ensure it can no longer be traced back to you. This data is not stored with other personal details we collect from you. When you access one of our websites, you will be informed via a banner message about our use of cookies and also referred to this Data Protection Information. In addition, reference will be made in this context to the method you can use to block the storage of cookies in your browser settings.

This processing of your aforementioned data is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of RWE Gas Storage West pursuant to article 6 paragraph 1f GDPR and is justified by balancing the respective interests in favour of RWE Gas Storage West. Without using this data, some functions of our internet presence cannot be offered. It is essential for this process that the browser is also recognisable after you have switched pages. RWE Gas Storage West also has a legitimate interest in processing your aforementioned personal data; namely to communicate relevant information about our intentions and business activities by operating its own websites in accordance with their intended function. Your justifiable interest that the aforementioned data is not used for this purpose does not outweigh the legitimate interest of RWE Gas Storage West, since RWE Gas Storage West uses this data appropriately and in accordance with the stated purpose and you also have an interest in being able to access our website in a customer-friendly manner.

You have the right to object at any time to processing of your data which has occurred as the result of a balancing of interests, if there are grounds for objection arising from your particular situation. Please refer to paragraph “Objection” in this context.

Analytical cookies

In addition, we use cookies on our website that enable us to analyse the browsing behaviour of our users. Analytical cookies help us analyse the website and thus measure and improve the performance of our websites. In this context we use cookies for the purpose of “reach measurement”. We use these cookies to create statistical profiles which cannot be traced back to individual users, but merely to groups. They are used to analyse visitor and click behaviour as well as demographic characteristics of website users. The cookie and pixel list, which can be viewed here, provides information about the analytical cookies we use and from there you can also opt out of all or specific cookies and pixels being used when you visit our website. Data that is collected from you in this way is pseudonymised by technical processes, making it impossible to reallocate the collected data back to you. We do not store this data together with any other, personal data that you provide to us. When accessing our websites, an information banner is displayed, informing you about the use of cookies and referring to this data privacy policy. In this context we also provide information as to how the use of cookies can be blocked through the settings of your web browser.

When accessing our websites, our “cookie banner” with information on the use of analytical cookies is displayed, asking for your consent pursuant to article 6 paragraph 1a GDPR to process the personal data collected in this context. During this process, you are also referred to this data privacy policy. The legal basis for us to process personal data for analytical purposes using cookies and pixels is your consent.

You reserve the right to revoke your consent for any future storage, processing or use of your data at any time, notwithstanding the legality of processing the data based on your consent until the time of revocation. The easiest way to revoke your consent is to set the relevant opt-out cookie/pixel via our cookie and pixel list here.


Duration of Storage

After collecting the information transmitted to us via cookies and pixels, it is stored by us for the following periods of time, and then automatically deleted.

Cookie-Category Storage and function period
Analytical Cookies 24 Months
Session Cookies 24 Hours


Session cookies are small units of information which we store in the working memory of your computer. A randomly generated, unique identification number forms part of a session cookie and is called the Session ID. Each cookie also contains the details of its origin and storage period.


Google maps

Our website also includes embedded map content from Google LLC’s Google Maps service via an API.. To be able to display this content in your browser, Google must receive your IP address and location data, since it would otherwise be unable to deliver this embedded content. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. The parent company is Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The privacy level for data processing in the USA is guaranteed on the basis of the Privacy Shields. When accessing our websites, our “cookie banner” with information on the use of google services is displayed and refer to this data privacy policy. If you agree in processing your data please click on the respective cookie category. The legal basis for us to process personal data for google services is your consent pursuant to article 6 paragraph 1a GDPR. For such processing, our collaboration with Google is based on a joint controller arrangement in accordance with Art. 26 GDPR, which may be viewed here. Further information on data processing by Google is may be found in Google’s Privacy Policy.



Children should not submit personal information to RWE Gas Storage West websites without the consent of the parent or guardian. RWE Gas Storage West encourages all parents and guardians to instruct their children in the safe and responsible use of personal data on the Internet. In any event, RWE Gas Storage West will not knowingly collect, use, or otherwise disclose personally identifiable information about children in any way.



RWE Gas Storage West takes precautions to ensure the security of your personal information. Your data is conscientiously protected against loss, destruction, falsification, manipulation and unauthorized access or disclosure.


Links to other websites

The RWE Gas Storage West websites contain links to other websites. As the provider of our websites, we are solely responsible for the content of our own online presence. From these own contents, the contents created by other providers are to be differentiated, for which we take no responsibility and do not adopt their contents. We have no control over the fact that the linked website operators comply with the relevant data protection regulations. This Privacy Policy does not apply to websites of other providers, even if they are accessed via links on the website. Therefore, please observe the respective provisions of the other providers for data protection. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. If you find a relevant violation, we thank you for your reference. We will then remove the link if necessary after examination.


Sending of newsletters

We offer you the option of subscribing to our newsletters on our website. If you have given your consent to receive the respective newsletter, we use your e-mail address and, we use your e-mail address as well as your first name and surname to send (customised where possible) information about the RWE Gas Storage West. We store and process these data for the purpose of sending the newsletter.

Newsletters contain information about RWE Gas Storage West. The current newsletters are especially as follows:

  • Newsletter In dialogue – general information about RWE Gas Storage West
  • Newsletter Auctions
  • Newsletter Maintenance/REMIT

The legal basis for the aforementioned data processing is your consent in accordance with Article 6 Para 1 lit. a) of the GDPR.

We use the double opt-in procedure to ensure that no errors are made when the e-mail address is entered. Once you have entered your e-mail address in the registration field we will send you a confirmation link. Your e-mail address will only be saved in our mailing list after you have clicked on this confirmation link.

You can revoke your consent to receiving the relevant newsletter with future effect at any time, e.g. by unsubscribing from the newsletter on our website. You can find the link to the unsubscription page at the end of each newsletter. The lawfulness of the processing of your personal data remains unaffected by revocation up until the time of revocation.

If external processors are appointed to send the newsletter, they shall be bound by contract in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR.


Options of making contact

RWE Gas Storage West processes your personal data for the purpose of making contact with you. You have the option of contact us via the contact details provided on our websites.

When you contact us via mail or phone, the personal details voluntarily supplied by you are saved. They are stored for the purpose of processing your enquiry, contacting you or, with your consent, used for marketing purposes.

Your personal data will be automatically deleted 1 year after your contact request has been answered and there is no further burden of proof or statutory requirement to retain the information.


Third parties and contracted agencies

Your personal data will also be used by other companies contracted to undertake work for RWE Gas Storage West ("contracted agencies"). This may include both companies within the RWE Group and external companies. This includes in particular IT-service provider.

The contracted agencies have been commissioned by RWE Gas Storage West to undertake the work and are obliged to observe the same data protection and data security standards as RWE Gas Storage West. This obligation includes the stipulation that such service providers only receive the data required to carry out the contracted work in each case.


Questions and Annotations

As a user of our website you have the right to receive information about your saved personal data and the reason of the data process in case any personal data is collected through the website. In case of personal data collection, you can have your collected personal data corrected, blocked or deleted. For these purposes or if you have any questions or comments concerning the data privacy of RWE Gas Storage West you are welcome to contact us citing the reference ‘data privacy RWE Gas Storage West’ under




You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data based on a balancing of interests or in the public interest if there are reasons for doing so which arise from your particular situation. This also applies to profiling based on this provision.

If you file an objection, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can prove imperative grounds for processing worthy of protection which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.

The objection can be made without form and should be addressed as far as possible to:

RWE Gas Storage West GmbH, RWE Platz 2 (for Hollestraße 7a), 45141 Essen, T +49 201 5752 or directly to our sales team.



Furthermore, you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority. You are free to contact the competent supervisory authority of the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia (Postfach 20 04 44 in 40102 Düsseldorf) on data protection issues.

The further development of the Internet also affects our data protection strategy. Changes will be announced in good time on this page.

RWE Gas Storage West GmbH 2020, Essen